Firefly Insights Blog

Building Connections Through Shared Ownership: Business Done Better

Building Connections Through Shared Ownership: Business Done Better

I stood on the side of a hill in the Andes at 3,700 meters altitude. A gentle rain was falling, thunder rumbled in the distance. Nearby, small homes stood—homes without running water or electricity, without the comforts I take for granted in my Ottawa home. I was standing in a field of recently planted organic quinoa, the dark, fertile soil...

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On Transformation

On Transformation

As I walked through the forest this morning, the brightly colored falling leaves reminded me that all of nature transforms—and that we, too, are part of nature. For business owners, this reality can be both liberating and unsettling. You have spent years—maybe decades—building something meaningful. But at some point, every owner must ask: What...

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Are you paying attention?

Are you paying attention?

Mid-September, kids are all back in school, parent teacher meetings are happening, hockey season has started, work is ramping back up. As the mother of 4 children, between the ages of 3 and 13, September is crazy. Last night was the perfect example. Hockey for my 7 year old at 5:30, two parent teacher meetings at 5:30 and 6:30. Dinner, baths, oh...

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